Choose selfie stick manufacturer rationally

2019-10-23 03:11:06 Source:源德盛 Edit:源德盛 Read:

Competition among selfie sticks makers is getting fiercer and fiercer since the "artifact" is selling like hot cakes. Why is there such a big gap between the prices of the same product?

After understanding, found that is the quality of the reasons, well-known phone selfie stick manufacturers shenzhen source DE sheng digital co., ltd. remind you, although the appearance of the same, the same function, but the use of materials is not the same. These include: chips, stainless steel rod materials, fixed clips, batteries and other materials. Cheap selfie sticks often use poor materials to keep costs down. When consumer is using this product, often appear all sorts of problems, bring about return to replace goods thereby wait for a circumstance to be compared more, also be suffered greatly deficit as the businessman.

After contacting with many domestic and foreign buyers, the far-out manufacturers found that foreign buyers paid more attention to the quality of products and then discussed the price, while domestic buyers blindly looked at the price and few people asked about the quality of materials. The price is cheap some talk, the price is high do not discuss.

According to the survey, suppliers who focus on product quality have better sales volume than those who focus on product price. Because your sales are determined by the consumer, the consumer is not only concerned about quality but also about price. Good quality products than poor quality products can be accepted a few dollars more, this is the general consumer psychology.